The Industry Leader on PFAS

The Authority of PFAS Compliance, Litigation & Government Relations

What makes CMBG3 the Authority on PFAS?

Cases defended on chemical exposures, including PFAS

Years of combined experience in chemical litigation and compliance issues

Dedicated team members specialized in chemical substances

Thought Leaders

Recognized as the thought leader on PFAS by the National Law Review, Bloomberg, Global Water Intelligence, Engineering News Record, and other leading business sector publications

Unmatched Credentials

One of the few PFAS teams that have worked as Environmental Health and Safety Consultants

Accurate Forecasts

Develop risk projections on future PFAS issues for financial industry, insurance companies, manufacturers and other constituents impacted by PFAS

Extensive Knowledge

The most experienced in regulatory compliance, audits, inspections, and litigation for all industries

Unmatched Credentials?

The National Law Review Agrees!

We were the only law firm in the U.S. in 2020 to be recognized as a thought leader on PFAS by the National Law Review.

See some of our thought leadership in the media:

PFAS Regulation: Business Should Plan Now for Financial Impacts

PFAS settlement earmarks $4bn for clean-up

CMBG3 PFAS Articles on Law360

CMBG3 PFAS Articles on Engineering News-Record

CMBG3 PFAS Articles on National Law Review

John Gardella


John Gardella and his team were recognized by National Law Review as the only Thought Leader in the nation in 2020 on the subject of PFAS. Attorney Gardella regularly consults with corporate, insurance, and financial world clients to assess risks in a multitude of transaction types. While he has specialized his practice for the past five years on the subject of PFAS, he has fifteen years of litigation and environmental practice that shapes the expertise that he offers to his clients to predict future risks. His opinions are sought out by media, such as Bloomberg, AM Best, and numerous industry-specific publications.

John Gardella Featured By HB Litigation On PFAS Litigation Trends Webinar

John Gardella recently joined HB Litigation on a webinar entitled “PFAS Litigation: Predicted Trends Given Regulatory Changes”, a CLE certified webinar hosted by Tom Hagy. John discussed the landscape of regulatory changes and upcoming changes, and how these will...

PFAS Health Advisory Challenge Struck Down By Court

As part of its lead up to issuing proposed and final drinking water standards for PFAS under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), EPA in June 2022 issued a Health Advisory Level (HAL) for four PFAS, including GenX. Chemours immediately challenged the HAL in court,...

PFAS CERCLA Expansion Now On Hold

We have regularly reported on the EPA‘s long-anticipated  rule to designate PFOA and PFOS as “hazardous substances” under CERCLA. In April 2024, the EPA also issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM), which aimed to have seven additional PFAS added to...

PFAS Legislative Developments (May2024)

May 2024 PFAS Legislative Developments May Legislation Tracking (May 1 – May 31)Current Trends in Legislation – May 2024Federal Legislature No new bills were introduced. Federal Regulations There were no significant developments in May, but in April the EPA released a...

John Gardella To Speak At PCPC Legal Conference

On June 5, 2024, John Gardella will speak at the annual Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) Legal Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. John's topic is on PFAS - specifically, his discussion will provide the latest on all regulatory and litigation issues related to...

PFAS Legislative Developments (April 2024)

April 2024 PFAS Legislative Developments April Legislation Tracking (April 1 – April 30)Current Trends in Legislation – April 2024Federal Legislature Three new bills were introduced. Federal Regulations On April 19th, the EPA released a final regulation designating...

John Gardella Joins Assent For Webinar On Recent PFAS Developments

CMBG3 Law's John Gardella will join Assent's Cally Edgren on April 25, 2024 at 10am ET for a webinar on the legal risks around PFAS for manufacturers. Through an interactive discussion format webinar, Cally and John will examine the liabilities companies currently...

John Gardella Interviewed By NTD News On PFAS Regulations

John Gardella was recently interviewed for a NTD News television segment on the impact that the EPA's PFAS drinking water regulations will have on companies. In the three minute segment, John provides a glimpse at how far-reaching the EPA's initiatives will truly be,...

John Gardella Will Speak On PFAS At EECMA Conference

Please join John Gardella on April 4 and 5, 2024 for the Environmental & Emerging Claim Manager Association’s (EECMA) annual conference in Savannah, Georgia. John will speak on a panel at the conference on April 5 at 10:15 - 10:55am on the subject of PFAS. The...

PFAS Legislative Developments (March2024)

March 2024 PFAS Legislative Developments March Legislation Tracking (March 1 – March 31)Current Trends in Legislation – March 2024Federal Legislature Six new bills were introduced. Two bills are identical and establish a fund to compensate firefighters who have been...
PFAS Podcasts
PFAS Webinars

Case Study

PFAS Contamination Fines Averted

Our client was a light industrial company that did not use PFAS in any aspect of its business, although it stored several types of chemical waste on its property for later disposal. A fire damaged a large portion of the company building where the chemicals were stored. The fire caused several containers of chemicals to explode and the fire department used a PFAS-containing foam to extinguish the fire. The resulting chemical and PFAS contamination to the company’s land was investigated by the Massachusetts DEP, and the DEP expanded their investigation to nearby waterways and ponds due to concerns over PFAS contamination to drinking water sources. If held responsible for the PFAS in the water sources, our client was at risk for tens of thousands of dollars in fine and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cleanup costs.

We aggressively fought back for our client and spent months working with experts who tested the geological features and took dozens of soil and water samples. Our team investigated likely alternate sources of PFAS contamination by obtaining records from several public entities, subpoenaing records from nearby property owners, and fought to have government records pertaining to a nearby likely pollution source turned over to us in our effort to defend our client. Armed with all of this information, we conducted numerous rounds of negotiations with the DEP, which ultimately led to the DEP dropping the PFAS contamination allegations against our client, thereby saving the company hundreds of thousands of dollars.

US PFAS Drinking Water Standards and Legislation

Our PFAS team provides not only real time PFAS legislative tracking, but also forms coalitions and makes a positive impact at the legislative level to ensure that our clients’ voices are heard.

The media looks to CMBG3 Law for our PFAS predictions, opinion, and risk projections, but so do:

  • Manufacturing companies
  • Waste management companies
  • Recycling facilities
  • Water districts
  • Insurance companies
  • Financial industries
  • Property owners
  • Construction industry
  • Supply side sectors

How We Can Help You

We litigate PFAS cases in seven states and help clients with compliance issues in all fifty states. Please contact us using the below form to learn how we can help you


John P. Gardella
