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Current Month

Legal Trends

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) v. Affirmative Action: They Are Not the Same

Recently, the terms DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and Affirmative Action have been thrown around as if they mean the same thing, but in reality, they are not.  They represent distinct concepts with unique goals and approaches. Affirmative Action is a legal policy created to address historical injustices and discrimination by providing opportunities to underrepresented groups. It involves initiative-taking measures to ensure that individuals from these groups have equal access to education, employment, and other areas where they have been historically marginalized.  The primary focus is on creating opportunities and leveling the playing field for those who have faced...

CMBG3 is proud to be a

Majority Women-owned Law Firm

which forms the foundation of our DEI Initiative.

Serving the Community

CMBG3 Supports Bread of Life On Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, Bryna Misiura volunteered their time to support the efforts of Bread of Life at the Malden High School. Bread of Life is an organization that serves communities north of Boston with the goal to feed those in need or who are homeless. Its Christmas Day event...

Helping Those in Need

Christine Calareso’s Pro Bono Work Lauded By Client

Attorney Christine Calareso has for several years been assisting a non-profit by the name of Wondherful, Inc. with the company's trademark needs. The organization is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to saving the lives of those who are struggling with mental health crisis. Last...