The best PFAS law firm
PFAS thought leaders representing Fortune 500 companies with global PFAS needs.
Holistic PFAS approach – identifying and minimizing risk from past, present, and future company actions.
PFAS risks are evolving rapidly, so you need a law firm who can identify your financial risk points from PFAS before they become problems you need to bring to us to solve.
We are experts in every regulatory and litigation development impacting corporate risk from PFAS – both nationally and abroad. Other firms rely on separate teams to help clients with niche PFAS needs in a siloed manner. All members of our team understand every PFAS risk and developments. It’s how we are the only law firm able to deliver true holistic representation for PFAS needs that may save your company millions.
Cross Industry Representation
We represent and advise corporations, insurance companies and investment firms on PFAS issues. We know the pressure points of all of these different industries and understand how they intersect, enabling us to give our clients risk analysis that no other law firm can.
National Thought Leaders
Recognized since 2018 as national thought leaders on PFAS issues and trends, years before other law firms gave PFAS any thought. We are invited speakers at conferences, media events, financial firm presentations to investment advisors, political events, and in-house for corporations, trade associations and insurance companies.
Regularly sought out by Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Washington Post and others for PFAS thought leadership. Our attorneys have appeared on internationally syndicated television for PFAS-related interviews.
PFAS Services by CMBG3
Litigation defense
Risk assessment
Trend prediction
Regulatory compliance
Government relations and lobbying
PFAS Legislative Developments (August 2024)
August 2024 PFAS Legislative Developments August Legislation Tracking (August 1 – August 31)Current Trends in Legislation – August 2024Federal Legislature No new bills introduced. Federal Regulations There were no significant developments in August. State...
PFAS Legislative Developments (June and July 2024)
June & July 2024 PFAS Legislative Developments June & July Legislation Tracking (June 1 – July 31)Current Trends in Legislation – June & July 2024Federal Legislature One new bill introduced. Federal Regulations There were no significant...
PFAS Claim Dismissed
We represent a company involved in the largest class action PFAS litigation in New England. The company never intentionally used PFAS in any way, but sent waste byproducts from manufacturing to a composting site that is alleged to be a location with PFAS contamination. We successfully had dismissed several counts of plaintiffs’ Complaint that would have exposed our client to damages multipliers in the event of a verdict, including a unique claim brought by plaintiffs for RICO violations against our client and other defendants.