EPA Asbestos Actions Threaten To Upend The Chrysotile Defense

20oct2:00 pm3:00 pmEPA Asbestos Actions Threaten To Upend The Chrysotile Defense

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The EPA indicated in 2019 that it was taking a fresh look at the asbestos regulations that exist and in March 2020, it released a Draft Risk Evaluation for Asbestos (“DRE”) that proposed to drastically narrow the gap between the purported risks of chrysotile and amphiboles. Specifically, the EPA is contemplating issuing new standards that treat all forms of asbestos the same – the EPA may no longer draw distinctions between chrysotile, amphiboles, crocidolite, etc. The EPA is proposing having one Inhalation Unit Risk (IUR) for all types of asbestos.  The implications on the asbestos litigation will be enormous, as the “chrysotile defense” will undoubtedly come under significant attack by plaintiffs’ counsel at trials.

Please join Clifford V. Pascarella, II, Esq. (CMBG3 Law), toxicologist Evan Beckett, MPH, CIH, and geologist Alan Segrave as they discuss why the EPA’s proposal does not comport with scientific method and in fact would throw decades of prior scientific research and literature out the door. Attorney Pascarella will have a more detailed discussion of the impact that this will have on asbestos cases, depositions, and trials.

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October 20, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)