CMBG3 Law wishes to congratulate team member Nicholas Blei, who on Monday was sworn in as the newest member of the Connecticut Bar – congratulations, Nick!! With this success, Nick is now licensed to practice law in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. He joins CMBG3’s Kendra Bergeron as another firm member able to handle Connecticut legal matters.
Nick began his legal career in 2006 when he joined the CMBG3 partners at another law firm in Boston, where he helped to defend clients in toxic torts and products liability cases as a paralegal. His work in these fields and his participating in many of the asbestos trials that occurred in Massachusetts inspired him to attend law school at the New England School of Law. Nick was a Dean’s List student every semester of his law school career and earned the New England Scholar award – given to the students in the top 10% of their class.
After graduating law school in 2016, Nick’s practice as an attorney now focuses on defending toxic torts, products liability, and general insurance claims throughout New England. For more information regarding Nick’s background and credentials, please visit us.
Congratulations to you once again Nick – we are all very proud of your accomplishment!