On Monday, September 19, 2022, Attorney Ryan Landis will present at the Prop 65 Clearinghouse conference in San Francisco, California. His panel discussion, entitled “Res Judicata…Deja Vu, All Over Again”, examines a wide variety of Prop 65 related issues, including how to negotiate a settlement that is protected by collateral attack or new enforcement, How do you set up a defense when confronted with a collateral attack/new notice on a product, and strategies that are effective in resolving the matters. The panel discussion will take place from 4pm – 5pm PT. To register, please visit the Prop 65 Clearinghouse website: https://www.prop65clearinghouse.com/conference/registration
CMBG3 Law represents clients in Prop 65 matters. For questions concerning Prop 65 matters, please contact Ryan Landis or Gilliam Stewart.