Brendan Gaughan To Speak On Social Media Investigations and Wearable Technology at Prestigious America’s Claims Event

May 24, 2017 | Events

CMBG3 Law Partner Brendan Gaughan will speak at the America’s Claims Event (ACE) at the Sheraton Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 21, 2017. The conference is one of the largest and most comprehensive educational conferences in the claims industry and will address all aspects of the claims handling process – including technology, claim investigation, fraud and litigation.

Mr. Gaughan’s session, The Evolving Landscape of Digital Devices to Combat Fraud, will explore the topic of social media investigations and wearable technology. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and self-tracking devices such as Fitbits and smart watches, collect and store vast amounts of personal information. This data can be a goldmine for claims professionals and defense counsel handling fraudulent claims. The presentation will examine the ways in which such information can be preserved, discovered and used to verify and deny claims.

If you would like to learn more about this conference, please visit:

If you are involved in claims or potential claims related to wearable technology and would like to discuss further, please contact Brendan Gaughan (617-936-4353, Ext. 205 or email him).




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